Twitter Cheat Sheet for Increased Engagement with Targeted Visitors

Twitter, in spite of placing second only to Facebook, remains a formidable force in social media marketing. In fact, during the most recent Super Bowl event 2014, Twitter was the social media of choice among many game spectators and companies doing commercial advertising due to its unique platform in accessing the rising trends of the day. It is an effective platform for capturing targeted visitors to websites, as well.

However, success with Twitter is not inherent but earned. You need to have a working plan and effective strategies to make your campaign work. While there are numerous factors that contribute to success, engagement is one of the essential components in the equation. Therefore, your campaign must focus on increasing engagement and you will be effective in getting sufficient amount of targeted visitors to your site. Here is the cheat sheet for Twitter marketing engagement that can help you attain sufficient traction from your campaign.

Engagement rate in Twitter is higher on weekends

Based on stats, brand engagement is better and higher by about 17% during Saturdays and Sundays. But quite surprisingly, only around 19% of all tweets by brands happen on weekend. So despite the fact that engagement is higher on weekends, only a few brands took advantage of the opportunity and only a handful is sending tweets on Saturdays and Sundays. This creates excellent opportunity for brands to increase their engagement with targeted audiences during times when competitors are not quite active.

Observe high interaction time for sending tweets

While there is nothing wrong in sending tweets anytime of the day, you are better off observing the ideal tweeting time where you can achieve higher interaction with your target audience. Best practices of several Twitter marketers showed that the ideal tweeting time is from 8 am to 7 pm since interaction is higher by 30%.

About 92% of brand’s engagement is link clicks

If you want to boost your engagement, then you should insert some links where your followers can go to for more details. Take note that tweets are limited only to 40 characters. This means that the information in every tweet is not sufficient enough. For added details on your press release or news tweets, readers expect to be redirected to the content source for more detailed information. So don’t miss out the links; they are very important for branding. However, it is still advisable to send tweets without links in between to make your conversation natural and to avoid spamming and commercializing your tweets.

Tweets with links to images can double the engagement rate

There is real power in images in marketing, and this also applies to Twitter marketing. This is proven by the increased rate of engagement on tweets with links to images by twice as much compared to tweets devoid of links. That said; add relevant images to your post so that you can link to your images in your tweets. Another study revealed that tweets with links get approximately 86% more retweets versus tweets without any link at all regardless of the link destination. In essence, it is best to add links to your tweets if you are looking for higher engagement with your followers.

Hashtags increase engagement rate by twice as much

Twitter is usually associated with hashtags. In fact, hashtags further add popularity to Twitter. Hashtags can help you connect with like-minded people. Therefore, these are excellent tools for capturing well targeted visitors to your site. Just like links to images, hashtags can potentially double the engagement rate with your audiences.

There are still more stats on Twitter that can help you achieve success in your marketing. It is important to know your target audiences and their social behaviors for effective generation of website targeted visitors.



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